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Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Georgia's Former Gov. Roy Barnes Reminds The GOP....

Because a latter-day Sherman with nukes would be Georgia's nightmare:
Former Gov. Roy Barnes accused Republicans of “anti-intellectualism and (an) anti-public school mentality.”

He questioned why conservatives let deficit spending slide under presidents Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush, but attack President Barack Obama for it.

“If there’s something you’re going to run the deficit up for, run it up for education, because it will pay back time and time again,” Barnes said.

Barnes also clarified his position on the new health care reform law, saying unequivocally for the first time that he supports it and would implement it in Georgia.

Something needed to be done to help the 1.7 million uninsured Georgians, Barnes said, although he said he would have sought more revenue from insurers to fund the law.

“I don’t think we took enough off the hide of insurance companies,” he said.

...Barnes, in particular, took aim at what he characterized as Republicans’ frivolous pursuits since they took power, such as making it illegal to implant a microchip in a person without his permission and threatening to secede from the U.S.

“Do they not know that the Yankees have got the atomic bomb now?” he joked. “We won’t make it through Bull Run.”

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