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Thursday, April 29, 2010

Big Portion Of Fast Food

Walking back from lunch, I saw a lot of Unhappy Sparrows pursue a Crow as it alighted on the sidewalk in front of the door to Una Mas Mexican Food on J Street. The Crow grabbed something big from right in front of the door of the fast food restaurant and flew across the street, landing on the roof of the Spaghetti Factory, where it began dismantling whatever it was. The Unhappy Sparrows pursued the Crow, but landed in a nearby tree and watched the Crow from the distance, all the while chattering unhappily.

At first, I thought maybe the Crow was gathering nest materials, because the weatherstripping is falling apart on Una Mas' door and the weatherstripping pickings there are easy, but apparently whatever it was was an item of food. Too big a piece of food for a gaggle of Unhappy Sparrows to control successfully, even as a committee, but just the right size for a big, hungry Crow to feast.

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