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Friday, March 05, 2010

The Weakest Link?

E.: MMMMAAARRRCCC! Jury duty isn't like the last time I had jury duty. They had their questions in a pamphlet and we had to fill it out right there! No Internet; no Google!

M.: Like a standardized test. You are pretty good with standardized tests. How was it?

E.: I ran out of time. I didn't answer all the questions. I hope I didn't pass. Yesterday, the judge said the case will last THREE months! We are supposed to go back on Tuesday. I can't tell you any details, except that the case is very, very disturbing. I really felt for the victim, and I have nothing for the defendant except hatred.

M.: Did you write that down?

E.: No, not exactly, but I wrote down something like that.

M.: Then on Tuesday the defense attorney will probably complain and the judge will say "Thank you very much. Don't call us; we'll call you. Goodbye. You are the weakest link!"

E.: (laughter)

M.: We'll see what happens Tuesday!

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