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Thursday, March 11, 2010

Scary Out There Towards Granite Bay

E.: MMMAAARRRRCCCC! Wake up! I was driving on Sierra College Boulevard this morning, and I was in one of the two turn lanes waiting for the light to turn, when a car hit another car in front of me. MMMAAAARRRCCC! It was spinning and spinning in the intersection and I could see the people in the cars!

M.: Oh, that's terrible! Did you see how the accident happened?

E.: No.

M.: You mean a car accident happened right in front of you and you didn't see it?

E.: I was looking at the traffic light for the turn arrow.

M.: Did you stop and help?

E.: MMMAAARRRCCC! No one stopped! When the light changed everyone just kept going!

M.: (I guess life is cheaper in the 'burbs than I had thought) Oh, that's terrible!

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