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Thursday, March 25, 2010

Over-Confident Fly Enters The Web

William Kristol decides the spider isn't that dangerous:
In a blog post for the Weekly Standard, which he edits, Kristol stuck to his guns. Quoting Obama as having said, "I welcome that fight. Because I don't believe the American people are going to put the insurance industry back in the driver's seat," Kristol wrote, "The insurance industry is a diverting talking point, but it’s not going to work. Republicans simply have to say: Barack Obama’s legislation would put the government in the driver’s seat of a giant, poorly-constructed bus in which we’re simply helpless passengers. Republican reforms would put American families in the driver’s seat of cars of their choice. Which do you prefer?"

He concluded by saying, "Republicans should take up the president on his dare. They should say, 'Thank you Mr. President, we are going for it. And we're going to win.'"
I like the bus analogy - we can do all kinds of warring "South American bus plunge accident" TV ads - because, after all, when it comes to health insurance, the American population is not driving in individual cars, but rather, these days, they are hapless passengers and the insurance companies are driving the bus. Time to change drivers!

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