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Tuesday, March 09, 2010

New Mexicans And Their Precious Facials

Now New Mexico doesn't have nightingales that I'm aware of, but it does have plenty of people seeking relief from sun-damaged skin, and we will do what we must:
Just check out the Ten Thousand Waves spa in New Mexico and its Japanese Nightingale Facial:
This is our signature facial. We are the exclusive importers of processed nightingale droppings, which have been used for centuries by geisha in Japan to brighten and smooth their skin. The droppings are dried, pulverized, and sanitized with ultraviolet light at the nightingale farm. We add essential oils to the powder to use as a cleanser and/or mask, formulated for your skin type.
At least this stuff is organic. In Las Vegas, they sell facial mask containing gold. That's right, gold! Or, at least they SAY it contains gold. It's probably less-costly than nightingale poo.

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