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Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Keep The Momentum Going!

Out of some kind of masochistic, even-handed fetish, poor J. gets E-Mails from the RNC. Today's E-Mail urges everyone to "keep the momentum going!"

J. asks:
Keep the momentum going? Um, would it break their hearts if we tell Steele that they lost?
Well, Michael Steele doesn't have time for OUR thoughts. Instead, he has to keep the momentum going, which, at this point, seeing how the momentum is going, is just fine with me:
From: Michael Steele, RNC Chairman
Subject: Keep the Momentum Going--Fire Nancy Pelosi!

Dear Albert,

...I'm grateful for your help, but we're not done yet. At 11:15 this morning, President Obama signed into law the Pelosi Health Care Takeover. This abomination means low-quality health care, higher taxes, and a declining standard of living for all Americans.

In response to President Obama signing this monstrous bill, the RNC is extending the Fire Pelosi Money Bomb for an extra 24 hours -- that's 24 more hours to ensure our Party has the resources needed to defeat 40 Democrat Representatives and bring Nancy Pelosi's iron-fisted reign to an end.

...Albert, this is a fight for the future of our nation -- and it's a fight Republicans must win. Your help is vital to fire Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the U.S. House. Donate to the RNC's money bomb now. Thank you.

Michael Steele
Chairman, Republican National Committee

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