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Tuesday, March 16, 2010

"Dark Matter" And Them Dad-Gum Liberals Again!

Today, the left-wing blogosphere is all a-twitter with liberals making fun of Conservapedia for a summary statement they made a few days ago:
A slight modification to Isaac Newton's theory for very low gravity and a new experiment may disprove liberal claims that "dark matter" comprises 25% of the universe.
I'm all for kicking conservatives when they are down, so I'll make fun too. Ha ha! Ho ho!

Thank goodness Science is mostly-removed (should be entirely-removed) from the stultifying left-right dichotomy of looking at things. I believe that "Dark Matter" is rubbish, but that doesn't make me a 'conservative' - whatever that means in Science - but rather just another loud-mouthed blogger with an opinion (albeit a somewhat-educated loud-mouthed blogger).

The reason disc-shaped galactic rotational speeds shouldn't behave in an inverse r-squared manner is that these galaxies don't have a spherical symmetry, but rather have a more cylindrical-type symmetry (where speeds would behave in a more inverse-r manner). Since disc-shaped galaxies aren't quite cylinders either, but more like cylindrical segments, rotational speeds will fall somewhere in-between inverse r-squared and inverse-r.

But "Dark Matter" theorists are looking at lots of other things too, so what can a loud-mouthed blogger say about where all their errors (and successes) are? The questions will be resolved by meticulous, mathematical attention to the subject by serious scholars.

Wherever the Truth may lie, looking at the question of "Dark Matter" from an ideological perspective is worse-than-useless!

Ha ha! Ho ho!

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