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Friday, March 26, 2010

"Conservative Woodstock"

This looks like fun! My only comment is that Searchlight is neither small, or remote (by Nevada standards):
Tea Party activists are kicking off a grand national tour this weekend with an event targeting Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) in his small home town of Searchlight, Nevada -- an event that Tea Party Express describes as a "conservative Woodstock."

Tomorrow's "Showdown In Searchlight" event will feature none other than Sarah Palin, campaigning against the Senate Dem leader. A press release from Tea Party Express boasts of supporters arriving to camp out: "It doesn't get closer to a 'Conservative Woodstock' than this."

...There will also be musical entertainment, from acts that have toured the Tea Party circuit, such as Lloyd Marcus. In addition to Palin, other speakers include Joe "The Plumber" Wurzelbacher, former Saturday Night Live actress Victoria Jackson, Andrew Breitbart and others.

Russell told TPMDC that organizers are expecting "an easy 10,000" attendees, though he was unable to comment on just how many may have arrived already. Keep in mind that Searchlight is a small, remote town with a population of only 738, according to the Clark County statistics. The local NBC station reports that the hotels in the surrounding area have already been filling up with reservations, much of it linked to this event.

...Late Update: Reid's campaign sends us this statement, from Reid himself: "Searchlight doesn't get many tourists so I'm glad they are choosing to bring all their out-of-state money to my hometown. The influx of money will do the town some good. I encourage everyone to drop by the Nugget to say hello to Verlie and grab a 10 cent cup of coffee."

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