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Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Coercion And Censorship Works!

When I attended the University of New Mexico, I knew a strange graduate student in physics, an older student who wanted a degree in nuclear physics so he could speak with authority against the use of nuclear power. He was a 60's radical who's proudest moment was a front-page picture in the Denver Post leading an anti-war demonstration at the University of Wyoming.

My friend had one advantage, however, that William Ayers lacks. My friend controlled the megaphone. You see, you have to control the megaphone!

Academic freedom died a little today:
The University of Wyoming has canceled a speech by former 1960s radical William Ayers after it raised a slew of objections from citizens and politicians.

Ayers was scheduled to speak Monday on the Laramie campus about social justice issues and education.

He was invited by the UW Social Justice Research Center.

In a statement released by the university, UW President Tom Buchanan thanked the center for reconsidering its invitation to Ayers, which had caused intense controversy.

Buchanan says academic freedom is a core principle of higher education but the visit would have adversely impacted the public's confidence in the university.

Ayers is an education professor at the University of Illinois-Chicago.

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