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Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Citigroup Asks The Wrong Guy

In today's edition of 'Hapless Google Searches That Somehow End Up On My Web Site', we have a Google search from Citigroup regarding 'Toowoomba whorehouses'.

That is an interesting search. Carefully-regulated prostitution apparently is legal in Queensland, AU.

Nevertheless, does Citigroup, the organization that carries my mortgage, have so much free time that they are worried about 'Toowoomba whorehouses'? Oh, now I remember, they have too much money! Of course! That I can understand!

In my hour-long tour of the city of Toowoomba, I never saw a whorehouse. This is about as risque as things got. You must admit what a cute storefront it is!

I'm sure "Cheeky Fashions" does a fine job. Even more so than in America, Australian women look spectacular (and their masculine mates look like hell). The dichotomy in fashion sense is jaw-dropping!

Cheeky fashions is one thing; cheeky behavior is another. If Citigroup has too much money, why not buy out this store's inventory? I'm sure that would make everyone happy!

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