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Tuesday, February 23, 2010

They Just Do Things Differently In Sweden

Still, the vendor must be identified when product complaints are lodged:
A man walked into a police station in southern Sweden last week to complain about the quality of the hash that he had been sold, asking for a lump to be tested for traces of LSD.

The 26-year-old cannabis connoisseur declared to surprised police officers in the provincial Skåne town of Eslöv that he was not satisfied with the quality of his stash and would like to lodge a complaint, local newspaper Skånskan reports.

...The man told how that as he sucked on his joint, his television began to talk to him and he came to the realisation that his girlfriend was in fact a dolphin.

..."It could possibly be classified as assault, if the hash is found to contain LSD," Mats G Odestål at Eslöv police told Skånskan.

But either way it is unlikely that the dealer will face any charges as the 26-year-old proved reluctant to divulge the identity of his supplier.

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