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Thursday, February 11, 2010

These Folks Need Angels Too

I signed this petition on Saturday. What more do they need? Oh - a total of more than a million valid signatures for both measures:
Proponents of holding a constitutional convention to overhaul California's system of governance said today that they have "significantly" scaled back their campaign to get a pair of proposed initiatives to approve and call the convention on the November ballot.

The campaign, which reported raising $352,000 in all of 2009, needs to secure commitments for about $3 million in donations in the next 30 days to continue the effort, campaign spokesman John Grubb said today.

"We're not dead yet, but we do need to get some commitments in soon, or else the constitutional convention movement will meet its end," Grubb said. "What we're looking for are some angels."

...They must submit more than 1 million valid voter signatures -- 694,354 for the first measure and 433,971 for the second -- by May 21 to qualify the initiatives for the ballot. To make it on the November ballot, proponents should submit the signatures by mid-April.

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