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Thursday, February 18, 2010

Feeling Sorry For Tom Friedman

Jerry writes:
A gem from your favorite columnist:
"Avoid the term global warming. I prefer the term global weirding"
I reply:
I wonder what Friedman's nemesis, Matt Taibbi, would say to that turn of phrase? (A couple of links (1, 2) to Matt's classic work).
Jerry responds:
And he's apparently repeating himself.
I reply:
That's not so bad. Columnists are under intense deadline pressure to say something pithy, often in several different venues. Almost makes you feel sorry for poor Tom. God knows, Tom's not very bright, and he constantly has to fend off criticism from better writers like Taibbi. A lot of the time his heart is in the right place, but his shoes are mired in discarded chicken wire (trying to mix my metaphors here).

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