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Tuesday, February 16, 2010

El Niño Is A Strange Beast

Hmmm. Interesting! The 30-day moving Southern Oscillation Index (SOI) is at an extreme. This is about as El Niño-ish as things get!

Yet, lots of rain is falling in western NSW and NE South Australia, places that got almost no rain at all last month. Lots of rain for the Murray River Basin, Australia's breadbasket. It's even beginning to rain around Melbourne, which has been dry, and, with a little luck, rain might fall around Adelaide too.

Plus, all the rain that swamped Brisbane yesterday!

Whether in the Northern or Southern Hemisphere, El Niño seems to favor the development of belts of intense precipitation. If you are lucky (or unlucky) that intense precipitation can strike you! If it doesn't strike you, it's very dry! El Niño favors a climate of extremes.

El Niño is one strange beast!

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