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Thursday, January 21, 2010

So Many Movies - Where Does One Find The Time To See Them All?

Titillating snippets from the LDS Film Festival:
OREM, Utah -- According to LDS Film Festival head honcho Christian Vuissa, the opening night feature film, "You're so Cupid," has already been snagged for the television screen at the very least.

It's one of three films that are coming into the 2010 festival of movies, documentaries and shorts that Vuissa predicts may break into the mass market -- like "Forever Strong," "Errand of Angels" and "One Man's Treasure" from festivals past.

(The other two include "Broken Hill" and "White on Rice.")

...Previews shown prior to the screening of "You're so Cupid" included a number of flicks with real possibilities. "I am from Nowhere: The People History Ignored (the story of the Lemko people's persecution)," "Jack'd Up" (a dramatic short involving two athletes competing in motocross events with one in a wheelchair) and "The Yankles" (being screened at a major Jewish film festival this week as well with many of the major parts played by Mormons) among others.

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