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Monday, January 25, 2010

Property Of Ladies Coffee Hour - 1964

Interesting graffiti from the cabinet inside the clubhouse of Camellia Gardens trailer park.

Convivial get-together with a bunch of strangers. Played "Boggle", plus other board games, at this potluck.

We were also forced to play a variety of games in order to introduce ourselves to each other. The hostess had absented herself at the beginning of the get-together in order to do an errand, and while she was gone we strangers had managed to introduce ourselves to each other without the assistance of games. Upon her return, however, our pleas not to reintroduce ourselves fell on deaf ears (she who must be obeyed; yada, yada, etc.)

I know, I know; it's not the Bataan Death March, or anything. Still, hostesses should listen to their guests' appeals not to get stuck in some kind of Groundhog Day introductory DO Loop. They don't even do that at AA meetings.

Otherwise, fun!

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