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Thursday, January 07, 2010

"The Producers" - DMTC - Wednesday Night Rehearsal

I've only just started going through the pictures. I'll add more today as time permits.

Max Bialystock (Martin Lehman, Leo Bloom (Andy Hyun), and Ulla Inga Hansen Bensen Yonsen Tallen-Hallen Svaden-Svans (Amy Jacques-Jones).

Also: Elizabeth Fernandez, Mary Young, Chris Petersen, and Pamela Kay Lourentzos.
Roger DeBris as Adolf Hitler (Richard Spierto) and Ulla (Amy Jacques-Jones).
Adam Sartain as a supremely-confident Hitler Wannabe.
Adam Sartain, a no-longer-supremely-confident Hitler Wannabe, quails in the presence of Franz Liebkin (Kyle Hadley).

Roger DeBris' choreographer (Scott Griffith).

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