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Saturday, January 16, 2010

Mortality And Materiality

(It's rather difficult after a death to make the many choices about what to keep and what to throw away. I can help.)

M.R.: I'm so sorry; someone else took the cereal and the milk that I told you about yesterday.

M.V.: That's OK; I wasn't depending on it.

M.R.: Do you want these pillows?

M.V.: Uh, OK.

M.R.: Have this big pillow too! It makes me mad, though: the other folks took my twin bed. It's not important enough to talk to the lawyer, but it was MY bed!

M.V.: That's bad; they shouldn't have done that! But look at all this Tylenol!

M.R.: You go ahead and take it - just leave me one bottle.

M.V.: Five bottles of Tylenol! Tylenol enough for years of pain! If you ever need any Tylenol, just give me a call!

M.R.: Do you like cream cheese?

M.V.: No, but.... Wow, that's a LOT of cream cheese; a whole vat of cream cheese!

M.R.: Have the cream cheese! Now (holding a pair of loaves), can you guess what these are?

M.V.: Bread?

M.R.: Baked potatoes!

M.V.: Wow, those are the largest potatoes I've ever seen in my life! And (tasting a offered slice), they seem to be charred!

M.R.: Take the potatoes! And the Swiss Miss mix, too. And the nuts!

M.V.: And the toaster?

M.R.: And the toaster! It cost $3.00 at a yard sale. I won't offer you the microwave because it came from a yard sale too, and it's underpowered.

M.V.: Are there any bequests for local dance and theater groups?

M.R.: All relevant donations were made beforehand. The investment counselor lost most of the rest of the money and the kids took the remainder. Do you want these crutches?

M.V.: Gee, this pair is too short, and I have two other pair at home that are too tall!

M.R.: Take the crutches!

M.V.: OK!

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