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Saturday, January 16, 2010

Memorial Service For Will Smith

A solemn memorial service at Arcade Baptist Church in Carmichael for Will Smith.

I guessed that 400 people were in the pews downstairs, and another 100 in the balcony above, for a total of 500. Steve heard on authority that they expected 500 people to show up, and 900 arrived.

Whatever the exact figure, a large number of people were moved by the shock of the tragedy to express their sorrow, and express their support, to the Smith family.

Among the testimonials, the song featuring Laura Wardrip on piano and vocals, and Lydia Smith singing, was the most-touching. Also touching was Anissa's brother's efforts to make sense of Will's death. It was reassuring that Senator George Runner and his wife Sharon were there to lend support (Will Smith had been George Runner's Chief-of-Staff). Their legislative staffs were there too, and several of them gave moving testimonials as well.

Afterwards, food was served in the gymnasium. Sometimes it was a bit awkward: young Caleb Smith waved at me, but my hands were filled with food, so I just nodded in response. Still, the food was good and the company fine, and I know we were all reassured to see Anissa and the family and able to express our love and support.

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