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Thursday, January 14, 2010

Matchmaker For Giants

(J. doesn't have ready Internet access, so when she wants to make a late-night Google search, she gives me a call.)

J.: Do you have Internet access?

M.: I don't have a home computer, but can use my i-Phone!

J.: I want you to look up a Turkish man - Sultan Kosen.


M.: Got it! Sultan Kosen, at 8' 1", the world's tallest man. Wikipedia says the part-time farmer walks with the aid of canes because of growth-related knee problems, helps out around the house changing difficult-to-reach light bulbs, likes the Internet, and he is in search of love.....

J.: In search of love? The TV said the same thing. He's in New York City right now!

M.: He is?

J.: Yes, apparently he's looking for a girl friend. He's never had a girl friend before because they are all afraid of him.

M.: Well, there are probably more girls in New York than in his hometown in Turkey, particularly tall girls.

J.: How do I get in touch with him? Does it say on Google how to get in touch with him?

M.: Well, no, it doesn't say. I suppose he might have an agent, or maybe a Web Site, or something. Why do you want to get in touch with him?

J.: Do they speak English in Turkey? What do they speak in Turkey?

M.: They speak Turkish in Turkey.

J.: Turkish? Does he know any English?

M.: I don't know - maybe a little - enough to get around New York City.

J.: I'd like to have coffee with him. It'd be really something to have coffee with the world's tallest man!

M.: You want a date with the world's tallest man? You want to be the world's tallest man's girl friend?

J.: Sure, why not? I'm not afraid of him. Tell me how to get in touch with him!

M.: I'm not sure how....

J.: He's such a big man - I wonder if it means everything is big, like....

M.: I'm sure I don't know....

J.: It'd be really something to have coffee with the world's tallest man!

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