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Friday, January 15, 2010

It's All In The Knee

Earlier this week, Deborah appealed for pictures of clouds:
I am looking for images of a kind of cloud formation that occurs in monsoon season here. I found 2 OK ones but it's that huge puffball that ruffles out along the horizon, very white at top.
I replied:
The folks at the Cloud Appreciation Society have many interesting pictures.

Here's a nice one from Argentina under 'Cumulus' clouds.

She replied:
THANKS!!! Good resource!
And a couple of days later comes this picture! I replied:
I have a good friend in Seattle who makes her living, in part, by designing Rubber Duckies for all occasions. This last year, she came out with a line of holiday-themed Rubber Duckies, including “Hannukah Duck”. Until now, however, I had not connected Rubber Duckies with Meteorology with Commercial Art. It’s hard to connect dots when they are lost in the Bubble Bath!
She replied:
Haha--the clouds were a serendipitous addition since I'm really connecting them with those white 50s prom dresses!
I'm not sure what that means, but I'll bet I'll learn soon enough!

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