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Thursday, January 21, 2010

I Had A Community Musical Theater Dream

It was a real interesting dream, full of local musical theater notables. Sadly, however, I must keep it private.

Not that it was nasty, or anything. It's just that words and images have multiple meanings.

For example, one woman in the dream produced a magical hula hoop, through which a sagebrush plain could be seen, with mountains in the distance (almost like looking at "Bonanza", on TV). In ringleader fashion she shouted: "And here comes a cougar!" And, sure enough, a cougar came leaping out of the hoop and gracefully leaped across the stage until it disappeared into the wings.

But for any woman of standing in the local musical theater community to proclaim: "And here comes a cougar!" Well, that will just get me in all sorts of trouble.

So, I will continue to dream away until I have a socially-acceptable dream to report....

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