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Saturday, January 23, 2010

Catastrophe Arriving In Cape Tribulation

Category Two Tropical Cyclone Olga should cross the Queensland coast in just a few hours - by sunset tonight, California time:
JANUARY 24, 2am: Cyclone Olga has picked up speed and is now expected to cross the coast near Cape Tribulation, north of Cairns and Port Douglas.

...At 1am category two Tropical Cyclone Olga was estimated to be 215km east-northeast of Port Douglas and 210km east-northeast of Cairns moving west-northwest at 22km/h.

...Gales are expected to develop about the coast between Cape Melville and Cardwell this morning.

Destructive are likely to develop about the coast between Cooktown and Cairns by late morning.

Very heavy rainfall with localised flooding is expected to develop about the North Tropical Coast during the day.

At 1am, Cooktown had already recorded 51mm of rain since 9am Saturday.

Between 11pm and 1.30am, Cairns recorded 27.4mm of rain 16.8mm, and at Green Island winds of 70km/h have been recorded.

Meanwhile, power outages have affected homes in the Mission Beach and East Palmerston area. The cause is not yet known.

As the cyclone crosses the coast, abnormally high tides are expected between Cape Tribulation and Innisfail, but the sea level should not exceed the highest tide of the year. Large waves are likely along the beachfront.

People between Cape Melville and Cardwell should complete preparations quickly and be prepared to shelter in a safe place. Boats and outside property should be secured as quickly as possible.

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