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Monday, January 04, 2010

Big Bank Bailout

E.: MMMMAAAARRRRRRCCCC! Bank of America is eating my money!

M.: Let's see: $35 for the bounced-check fee, $35 for insufficient funds, and $35 for not remedying quickly the condition of insufficient funds. That's $105 of fees for just one bounced check, and there are others....

E.: They know that I don't balance my checkbook, because I always ask the teller for my balance before withdrawing money, so when they use their cameras and see me come in the door they say: "Here's that Asian woman who doesn't balance her checkbook! Let's sock it to HER!"

M.: It might help to balance the checkbook....

E.: I can't! I lead a very busy life, and don't have the time.

M.: Maybe a smaller bank or credit union would be better for you.

E.: I moved my account from Wells Fargo to Bank of America for exactly this reason, but Bank of America is WORSE! I'm going to close my account today!

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