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Thursday, December 24, 2009

Weird Christmas Season

Because I went to NM early and saw the family two weeks ago, as far as I'm concerned, Christmas is over - long over. So, this extended Christmas week feels like lonely tumbleweeds blowing through a silent ghost town of the Old West. Not even a lizard to distract from the emptiness!

So, as often happens when this sort of thing happens, my mind has turned to genealogy.

This week's finds include the surprising discovery that grandfather Felipe Valdez had a sister, named Felipa. Since she is absent from family lore, she must have disappeared early, but why that might have happened, I don't know.

Another surprising discovery is that father-and-son forebears on my mother's side participated in the Siege of Louisbourg, during the French-and-Indian War. The ethnic cleansing of the French from Acadia was a particularly horrible event in American history, and I've mixed feelings about family members getting all mixed up in that.

So far, those are the two most interesting Christmas presents. That, plus the logorrheic "The Clinton Tapes", which will take a while to read....

So, thankfully, Pam is teaching ballet this afternoon, and tomorrow afternoon. That's the real soothing balm.....

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