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Sunday, December 27, 2009

Sacramento Convenience Store Clerk Is Sure Something Is Up

After waiting in line for a minute, or so, a person idling in the store suddenly sprang forward to ring up my purchase....
Me: Oh, you're a clerk! I wasn't sure. I thought maybe you might have been a customer, or maybe a security guard.

Clerk: Security would be good - they make a good wage. And speaking about security, have you seen the National Security folks out on the street in their little cars?

Me: No, what's that? Little cars? Like golf carts? Or meter maid vehicles?

Clerk: No, like a fleet of recently-painted 10-year-old Geo Metros. I've been seeing them everywhere today.

Me: I heard about some folks in Montana who faked being National Security folks.

Clerk: Maybe these folks are fake too. I don't know. But they're in uniform and they are present today on the streets, in force....

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