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Thursday, December 10, 2009

The Mysteries Of Air Travel

Left: Whimsical 99-cent-store display at LAX.

I'm being rerouted through LAX.

... Now I'm in LAX. Seems nice enough...

Can't figure out how to post photos yet...

ABQ flight is coming up...

Boarding in LA, a buzzer went off as the person in front of me charged down the gangplank to the 737. He had to be recalled. 'Dylan,you are going to Oakland; this is for Albuquerque.'. 'Oh,' the abashed Dylan said.

The flight was less than half full, and uneventful. But in ABQ, SW Airlines were unable to produce my bag. I had to pass the night without my meds. The tired young pharmacist lady at the 24-hr CVS refused to provide spares (apparently there is lingering benefit from previous pills, so she saw no urgency. And fortunately it's not that cold either, so no extra clothing was required overnight.

Today, the memorial service....

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