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Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Gary Johnson For Prez?

Don't do it! The former Governor of New Mexico is thinking about running for President? N-N-N-O-O-O-O-O!

But why?:
Under Gov. Johnson's administration, New Mexico experienced the longest period without a tax increase in the state's history, the rate of growth in the state government was cut in half, half of the state's prisons were privatized, state Medicaid was shifted to managed care, and the state was left with approximately one thousand fewer employees (with no firings) and a budget surplus.
(But remember, the economy was booming under President Clinton at the time....)

Well, if Bill Richardson can lunge for the brass ring, why not Gary Johnson? There are worse yo-yos in the GOP. And in comparison to Sarah Palin, he's a towering statesman! At least he finished his term!

Libertarians are a strange breed. The more literal they get in applying their philosophy, the farther they get from Big Business. That's why they never seem to get much traction in the GOP. And having a Republican who can talk about recreational drug use would be refreshing, particularly as he avoids even caffeine today.

But still, I've got a bad feeling.....

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