If your idea of eternal damnation is watching the watching the same, lame junior varsity debating team banging the same, stupid arguments together forever...then welcome to Hell.
The usually non-vomit-inducing “Face the Nation” was the worst of the lot yesterday, with Rep. Peter Hoekstra (R-Mich) building his Party's rhetorical fortress on the following foundation:"We're going to go back into New York City, the scene of the tragedy on 9/11. We're now going to rip that wound wide open, and it's going to stay open for, what - two, three, four years, as we go through the circus of a trial in New York City?"Hoekstra's concern-troll distress over "going to go back into New York City, the scene of the tragedy on 9/11" would seem a lot less, oh, liar-ish had the political party to which he proudly belongs not spent virtually every f****** day of the last eight years making an entire multi-level marketing industry out of ruthlessly mining the "wound" of 9/11; using every propaganda tool in Karl Rove's toolbox to flay and scald and salt the "wound" from the worst national security failure in America history into a bottomless cornucopia of politically exploitable rage and fear.
...David F****** Brooks on Sarah Palin:"The idea that this potential talk show host is considered seriously for the Republican nomination, believe me, it will never happen. Republican primary voters are not going to elect a talk show host."Corn: She’s a joke…and she may destroy the Republican Party. There is this huge gap between the GOP base -- who love of the Wasilla Grifter -- and not-crazy-Americans, who want her off the f****** stage already.
Will: If conservatives of a sort are looking for a populist they have Mike Huckabee.
...OK, quick history lesson.
Nixon was a monster.
Republicans elected him twice.
Reagan was a radical who was good on camera. He and his people set off bombs inside the American economy that have been blowing the pylons out from under our country for a generation. He traded weapons to terrorists. Outsourced the conduct of a blatantly illegal, secret war to a traitor/convicted felon/FoxNews regular named Ollie North.
Republicans elected him twice.
George W. Bush was vicious, dimwitted moral imbecile whose contempt for the Constitution made Nixon look like Thurgood Marshall, and who destroyed everything he touched and visited more long-term catastrophe on this country during any one year of his reign than Reagan managed in eight.
Republicans elected him twice.
All of this was made possible because the GOP has spent the last 40 years aggressively recruiting people who think these (photo of Arkansas school segregation standoff) were the good old days.
Angry, fearful bigots who have been feeding off of the rancid Confederate leftovers of white entitlement, victimhood and Bible-sanctioned hatred of "big gummint" ever since Lincoln took their slaves away.
The Pig People have been the margin of Republican victory since 1968. They have been growing stronger and more vocal every year; seizing more power every year; destroying the Party of Lincoln a little more every year; driving more non-crazy Conservatives screaming into the streets every year.
Now the Pig People have their own anti-Christian religion, and Sarah Palin is their Madonna.
They have their own anti-factual "News", and Sarah Palin is their Talk-Show-Host-in-Chief.
They have their own anti-literate publishing houses, and Sarah Palin is their own, private Bestselling Author.
They have their own anti-intellectual ideology, and Sarah Palin is their Philosopher Queen.
And they have their own anti-American political Party, and Sarah Palin is its heir presumptive.
As David F****** Brooks f****** well knows, is was his party and his movement who -- despite ample warning that what they were doing would lead to disaster -- spent the last 40 years methodically weaponizing the hatred and fear of the Pig People.
So now that it has all gone to s***, pardon me for laughing as Bobo continues to frantically pretend that the Mutant Atomic Monsters his Party's despicable Southern Strategy unleashed and that are stomping the Party of Lincoln to rubble right before his eyes are really just a joke.
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Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Sunday Talk-Show Rant
Driftglass is on target (the original link is better than this excerpt):
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