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Monday, November 09, 2009

The Missing Plates

(This weekend, I did some cleaning in the basement, and, for once, I had E.'s cooperation - for awhile.....)

After much rummaging...

E.: MMMMAAAAARRRRCCCC! The psychopattic stole my plates!
M.: Maybe they are in this box over here....
E.: I looked in that box last week! The psychos took everything!
M.: There are still some boxes over here.....
E.: No, I looked everywhere! You let everyone in the house and they took all my stuff!
M.: No one is interested in your stuff....
E.: They are valuable things! They come from Europe. I hope Psycho #1's hands fall off!

To top it off, I discovered two boxes of E.'s papers from the 90's, filed according to her primitive system of saving every advertisement that ever came in the mail, plus the bills and assorted papers, that will have to be recycled, or shredded and recycled, or filed. But at least the paper will be gone.

Along with the 'valuable' plates, wherever they are. If I can't locate them in a box, maybe I'll find them in a pawn shop somewhere....

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