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Monday, November 30, 2009

Michelle Bachmann's Feeble Grasp Of History

Michelle Bachmann is funnier than hell! It's as if she never, ever paid attention before!

No, Michelle, 100% of the economy has never been completely private. Ever. Just ask General Eisenhower where his troops came from, or where Pentagon spending goes, or about those Minnesota crop subsidies, or where federal contractors get their money. And since the Civil War, the feds have always indirectly controlled lots of the economy that is nominally private - Boeing, Lockheed, the big shipyards, etc. I bet if you traced where my home state of New Mexico's money comes from, I'd bet you'd find more than half is controlled by various agencies of the federal government. And it's a good thing too (otherwise NM would starve).

But, if you insist Michelle, 100 percent of the private economy remains private (whatever that might mean):
Bachmann told the Christian Examiner site: "I think it is jaw dropping when you think that under his watch, the federal government has taken ownership or control of the private economy. People know that something has really changed. The federal government now owns or controls 30 percent of the private economy. Just over a year ago, you couldn't say that. Just over a year ago, 100 percent of the private economy was private. Today, 30 percent is owned or controlled by government."

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