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Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Thrashed That Left Foot

Yup, I've really messed up my left foot. I'll probably have to be careful for months to come!

In general, I have weak feet, but for the last 27 years have managed to keep the problem at bay by regular ballet exercise. But this summer, the balletic regularity got disturbed for the first time. First, my dad got sick, and then he died, and then Ron Cisneros moved his studio. Class was effectively dismissed for nearly two months. My feet slowly weakened, and so when I finally resumed ballet, I was primed for an injury, which, sure enough, followed as I feared (Ron was substituting for Victoria Johnson on Saturday, and I tried an outside pirouette on the left foot and felt something rip). So now, it's time to recuperate....

But I don't want to give up Monday evening aerobics, which I attended, and didn't do very well in, but at least survived.....

And how about the Wednesday and Thursday aerobics classes? Can't miss those either...

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