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Friday, October 16, 2009

Political Analysis In One's Sleep

I remember back in high school, when I would sometimes wake up in the morning with a blinding flash, having solved some physics homework problem in my sleep. Once I put the solution down on paper, however, I realized that, not only was the approach to solution unnecessarily labored, but the answer was wrong too.

This morning I awoke with a blinding flash, having solved the political problem of accounting for Sarah Palin's popularity. According to my nocturnal analysis, she is popular because she is, or at least resembles, the female equivalent of Teddy Roosevelt. There is, or there should be, a space in the American political firmament for a female version of TR. It would be natural that John McCain, an admirer of TR, would naturally fall under her spell.

Of course, since I thought of it in my sleep, millions of other people must have thought of it when they were awake, and sure enough, the Internet reveals lots of such comparisons, mostly of a superficial nature that hides the great dissimilarities between the two people. For example, TR was a well-read scholar and writer: Palin, not so much.

So, betrayed by my sleeping mind again. Time to dream again and set the matter right.

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