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Thursday, October 29, 2009

Changing The Channel

Jerry reports the latest:
Political Comment?

The McDonald's in downtown San Jose has changed the channels on its TVs from Fox News to the Cartoon Channel.
I reply:
Yes, I bet it is a political comment! Sometimes the politics gets a bit much, particularly for a commercial establishment that caters to the public.

I knew some kind of watershed had been reached when, immediately after the 2005 election, local Sacramento Talk Radio station KFBK gave inflammatory DJ Mark Williams the boot, and started emphasizing sports and finance in its coverage. I don't know why that election - Arnold lost his ballot initiatives that year and so maybe it was an intraparty bloodletting of some sort - but it made the airwaves more-tolerable. Now Williams is trying to be one of the national leaders of the Teabaggers, but at least I don't have to listen to him all the time.

May the Cartoon Channel reign supreme forevermore at the downtown San Jose McDonald's!
Jerry replies:
And nobody noticed the change!

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