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Monday, September 28, 2009

Life's A Whole Lot Different On The Inside

Less deference, for example:
Allen Stanford's jail woes continue. The accused $7 billion Ponzi schemer sustained minor injuries after getting into a fight last week, reports the Houston Chronicle.

It's not clear how the fight between Stanford and the other inmate got started. But the one-time billionaire banker looks to have gotten the worst of it -- he was the only one taken to the hospital, with bruising and other superficial injuries.

...Since going to jail in July, Stanford has complained about the conditions, including the heat, and has now twice been hospitalized, the first time because of an elevated heart rate. In addition, his one-time defense lawyer, the heavy-hitting Dick DeGuerin, has quit the case because Stanford, with his assets frozen, could not guarantee that DeGuerin would be paid.

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