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Friday, September 04, 2009

Here's To You!

Here is last month's Round Table Pizza commercial, featured on Sacramento channels 13 and 31, that incorporates portions of my video of Jetta singing karaoke, and wins us a free pizza in the process (the coupon was at first misdirected, but I'll have it in a few days).

Jetta calls me her agent. This is our first collaborative venture.

I submitted the video in a hurry - I only became aware of the contest on the last day of submissions, and just barely beat the deadline. I had only two videos of Jetta - both shot with my Olympus camera in the dark confines of karaoke clubs. It's not a bad little camera for $140.00, but still, it's substandard for trying to get those fine details in poor lighting.

Still, I'm pleased. A free pizza for very little work. What more could one ask?

Jetta, however, is livid that she can't be seen well, and more importantly, heard at all over the Round Table voiceover. She even considers her treatment to be unfair (winning the contest got her excited, you see, and she got her friends unnecessarily excited too), and if circumstances permitted, would even consider litigation.

Well, those are the breaks. It's not as if we ever had full creative control anyway. Stardom was never promised. The TV station was under no obligation to consider our entry. It's something nice for the resume; little more. Plus, there's a free pizza. A free pizza! And Round Table makes good pizzas! What more could one ask? If anyone's to blame, it's me for having the wrong tool for the task.

I dunno. Maybe I need a new camera? Maybe she needs a new agent? Maybe we all need a new perspective?

A lawsuit. Now THAT's the ticket!

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