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Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Gingrich Promotes The "Americano"

Newt Gingrich is now promoting a Hispanic-outreach conservative Web Site called the "Americano". And there are many Hispanics (particularly anti-aborton activists and some veterans) who would naturally be part of Gingrich's conservative coalition, except ... except....

Gingrich has a long history of campaigning against Hispanic concerns and interests:
It was, after all, the former House Speaker who, in giving a speech to a Republican group in 2007, described bilingual education as teaching "the language of living in a ghetto." He's also mocked the idea of printing government documents in anything but English, and promoted English-only measures.

In 1995, Gingrich said bilingualism poses "long-term dangers to the fabric of our nation" and that "allowing bilingualism to continue to grow is very dangerous."

And earlier this year, it was Gingrich who blasted Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor as a "racist," who should be "forced to withdraw" from consideration for the high court. He added that Sotomayor had to be rejected "if Civil War, suffrage, and Civil Rights are to mean anything."
Good luck squaring that circle.

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