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Monday, August 03, 2009

Tonopah McDonalds Update

Passing back through Tonopah, and against my better judgment, I checked the status of the McDonalds there (the disastrous first report is here).

Well, the air conditioning was working again. The toilet, while dirty was functional.

Nevertheless, the windows were still smudged. The mop bucket was sidelined by the waste paper bin, indicating that someone had at least thought about cleanliness (although there was no sign that anyone had actually mopped).

The restaurant was filled mostly with Asian folks who had stepped off a tourist bus parked outside. Even though it looked like these folks had been served already, there was still an interminable wait: the only fellow detailed with handing food to the customers at the counter seemed slow and incompetent.

The crisis du jour was the absence of one dollar bills in the till. The reason? I heard the manager say that "no one told me" about the absence of cash.

I ordered a hot fudge sundae and was told the ice cream machine wasn't working (even though I had just seen an employee leave the restaurant with a hot fudge sundae and head off walking towards town). The fellow collecting money at the counter was pleased my order came out to exactly $5.00, since that meant I didn't require any one dollar bills in change.

Leaving town, heading off towards Hawthorne, I wondered whether incompetent employees or uninspired management were to blame for the situation there. Perhaps it was a toxic combination of both, feeding off each others fecklessness.

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