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Sunday, August 09, 2009

Signing Statements

Jerry is disquieted by Obama's signing statements, and asks:
Maybe Obama isn't the person we thought we were voting for.
I knew from the get-go that Obama wasn't the sort of candidate that liberals would favor: that's why I favored John Edwards instead.

Nevertheless, Obama's signing statements, to date, seem prudent, merely defending the perquisites of the Presidency from intrusive Congressional meddling. They have yet to approach the unconstitutional arrogance that became routine under George W. Bush.

I'm annoyed with Obama in regards to his failure to prosecute torturers, his indecisiveness regarding national security matters, his defend-the-bankers-at-all-cost approach to dealing with the economic collapse, and his damnable non-partisan approach to health care reform that is now endangering even the possibility of reform. The signing statements matter has yet to rise to a major problem, though: I'll start screaming when that happens.

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