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Sunday, August 16, 2009

Gazing Down The Dark, Howling Tube

Now, I'm sleeping alone in my father's mobile home. I sleep in the southern bedroom, at the opposite end from where my father died.

Being made of metal and fiberboard, the mobile home creaks a lot and makes lots of noise, 24/7. There is a slight leak in a toilet, and the resulting noises are enough to make one uncomfortable at night. Still, I turn off all the lights, and the only illumination comes from outside ambient street light. I keep the swamp cooler on, which makes the curtains near the swamp cooler wave in the breeze.

Since my father died, I feel that his spirit has actually departed from this mobile home. No one else is here. But at night, gazing from the southern bedroom's doorway through the darkened tube of the mobile home, listening to the howl of the swamp cooler fan, watching the ghostly curtains wave in the distance, and listening to any number of unexpected creaks and pops, it's enough to make you reconsider......

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