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Friday, August 07, 2009

Facebook Can Fuel Jealousy

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News item:
Social psychologists from the University of Guelph in Canada queried college students who were in romantic relationships about their Facebook use. Their preliminary findings, described in the journal CyberPsychology & Behavior, suggest that rather than enhancing communication between romantic partners, Facebook use may be fueling wild flights of jealous investigation, as users in relationships perceive hints of potential infidelity and then scramble to find evidence of a partner's unfaithful thoughts or behavior.
Admit it, you were looking at Facebook again.

What's wrong with this blog? Sure, nobody's nobody's friend over here, but it makes for more interesting reading, don't you think?

What were you just doing? Were you writing on someone's wall? Were you tagging someone's photo?

You just think you're special, don't you?

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