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Monday, July 06, 2009

Why Did Palin Resign?

Mickey Kaus tries to keep up with the theories regarding Sarah Palin's resignation:
I can see 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Palin theories ... and counting: 1) She's running for president; 2) She's undergoing fame withdrawal and plans to get more attention in the lower 48; 3) She wants to cash in ($); 4) There's another shoe about to drop; 5) She'll now run against Murkowski for Senate. 6) She needs to tend to her family. 7) She's bonkers. 8) She's preggers. 9) She wants to "effect positive change outside government at this point in time on another scale and actually make a difference for our priorities." 10) Actually being a governor in a recession is no fun. Gives you ulcers. 11) She worried she wasn't giving "Alaska's issues" the attention they deserve, and was being criticized for that; 12) She's "fed up with politics ... the personal garbage" etc.. 13) She wants to fight back without one hand tied behind her back. 14) The Alaska legislature now hates her; ... These theories are not necessarily mutually exclusive.
My theory is that Palin learned last year that you don't actually have to be Governor of Alaska to run for President, and that it is actually a hindrance to have a substantial record behind you if you yearn to get the top office. And, who knows, she may be right (Obama certainly benefitted from just a short sojourn in the Senate).

That could be a disaster for the Republic, however, if prolonged overexposure (e.g., McCain)automatically disqualifies you from seeking the top office. Every out-of-work actor, singer, and wrestler will reach for the brass ring instead.

On the other hand, I'm rather under-employed right now....

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