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Friday, July 31, 2009

What's New Today? (II)

Well, let's see....

Once again, I watched half an hour of Maury Povich, and a full hour of Jerry Springer today. My tastes are corrupted - I no longer feel soiled, but revel in the dirt.

I jogged along Second Street past Paseo del Norte, and past Ortega Rd. as well, all the way to the bend in the ditch. I could see Alameda Road in the distance, but will not reach there before my return.

The dead mammal is still rotting away on the ditchbank where I run. It smells less than yesterday. The ants are making short work of the poor creature.

A new woman assistant came to bathe my Dad today. For once, he liked it - she's a pleasant person. We had yet another meeting with George the Nurse (I never, ever want to die - there are just way, way too many meetings to sit through if you go that route).

Tonight, my sister and I will dine with my cousins Cynthia and Anthony. I haven't seen Anthony in a long time. I'd like to ask how he got such a great head of hair - easily, the best in the family!

Tomorrow, Phoenix!

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