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Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Jack Black's Jitterbug

Approaching the restaurant, I saw the workman, who looked a little like the actor Jack Black, flash a goofy, self-satisfied smile. He was playing a radio much too loud for a business that needed to cater to the general public and gawking at all the passersby.

Where have I seen a look like that before? Oh yes, when the homeless guys 'helped' me with my house earlier this decade! Confident, without reason....

'Jack' was doing some kind of repair to the restaurant's door. S. said, "That guy worked on my front door four years ago. He's just awful! I had to throw away the door and start over. It was very expensive!"

Leaving the restaurant, 'Jack' suddenly asked, "What's a jitterbug?" I illustrated a jitterbug, and talked briefly about the lindy hop. Excitedly he asked "What's a foxtrot?" I showed him that too, adding that the musical style was similar between the two apparently dissimilar dances. 'Jack' said "The Discovery Channel has been doing slow motion photography of couples doing the jitterbug, and it's amazing! It's much better than today's dancing!" I said that today's dancing isn't bad, but agreed the jitterbug is great.

It's hard to repair doors when all you want to do is dance, dance, dance....

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