M.: How did you and your friends like 'The Music Man'?
E.: Oh, it was wonderful! It was the first time A. & M. had ever seen a theater play. And C. liked the play too! The members of the band make a point to wear their uniforms wherever they go, but they made an exception on Sunday afternoon and didn't wear their cowboy hats, in consideration of the others sitting behind them. But it didn't matter anyway, since we were in the back row and there was no one behind us.
M.: What did you think of the show?
E. It was different than 'The Music Man' in Woodland. There, the leading character was a man; Rodger McDonald. And they had those tumbling girls (the Almendariz twins). But in your 'Music Man', the lead was the woman.
M.: Did you like her?
E.: Oh, yes, she had an amazing voice!
M.: What else did you think?
E.: I expected more singing.
M.: !!! But there was a lot of singing!
E.: Yes, of groups. But not much otherwise. Neither Jan or Dannette or Mary sang.
M.: Did you like the kids in the show?
E.: Yes! Lots of kids. I especially liked that boy who sang....
M.: Gary, Indiana....
E.: Yes, Gary Indiana. When he finished, he did a lock step, and a little bow. Like this (showing an example). Did you see that?
M.: No. That was just before I was going to go on, and usually I was busy in the wing. And sometimes his mother, Wendy, would come out and stand in the wing to watch.
E. OH! He's Wendy's boy?
M.: Yes!
E.: Wow!
M.: What did you think of the Barbershop Quartet?
E.: (unsure) They seemed to be good, the Quartertet Barber - what did you call them? I liked that part when the Music Man fooled them into singing, and he just left after that. That was funny!
M.: What did you think of Marcellus, Harold Hill's sidekick? (producing a fuzzy image of Paul from the camera, in order to jog her memory).
E.: (after a long hesitation) MMMMAAARRRCCCC! I think something is wrong with me! I sat down and nodded off and C. had to nudge me awake!
M.: Well, that could happen to anyone. What else did you think of the show?
E.: The lighting was fantastic! Who did the lighting?
M.: That was Dannette.
E.: Dannette did a perfect job! You know, if you point the lights in the wrong direction you can make the people on stage look just TERRIBLE, but they all looked great. It takes TREMENDOUS experience to make the lighting so perfect. Of course, I don't understand how that works myself, but I know this from my commonsense understanding.
M.: After the show, I was worried that M. didn't have a good time. She looked kind of unhappy.
E.: (Laughing) Oh, that was probably because she was wearing heels! After the theater play, we all went to play at the musician gig, and so we were completely ready and dressed! And I'm a part of the band these days too!
M.: But you all had a good time!
E.: Oh yes, it was fun!
Sacramento area community musical theater (esp. DMTC in Davis, 2000-2020); Liberal politics; Meteorology; "Breaking Bad," "Better Call Saul," and Albuquerque movie filming locations; New Mexico and California arcana, and general weirdness.
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Monday, July 13, 2009
E. Reviews DMTC's "The Music Man"
E. brought her country-western band friends A., M., and C. to see DMTC's final performance of 'The Music Man' on Sunday afternoon.
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