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Tuesday, June 09, 2009

The Tale Of The Naked Lesbian Drummer

E.: MMMAAARRRCCCC! Let me tell you about the naked drummer!

M.: Naked drummer?

E.: They had been drinking. She was inside, and she was trying to go outside, and her friends wouldn't let her. I looked over there and I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

M.: Why was she naked?

E.: I don't know. MMMAAARRRCCCC! She's a lesbian!

M.: She is? How do you know?

E.: Because everyone knows! She's got that short hair like the lesbians got. I looked over there and I couldn't believe what I was seeing. She was inside, and she was trying to go outside, and her friends wouldn't let her. But there were more people inside than outside, so I didn't know why they wouldn't let her go outside. Maybe it was cold. Or maybe they were afraid she'd get in trouble. Or maybe there was another reason, you know what I mean? But all I know wa s hhh.? #) f q ......

E.: MMMMMAAAARRRRCCC! You're not listening to me!

M.: What? Sorry. How do you know she was a drummer?

E.: Because she is! I told my friend 'Go over there and see what's going on'. And so she went over there, and then she came back, and she said she couldn't believe what she was seeing. The drummer was inside, and she was trying to go outside, and her friends wouldn't let her. And then the drummer, she managed to get outside, but then her friends pushed her back inside. I looked over there and I couldn't believe what I was seeing; you know what I mean? I started asking around why she was naked, but no one seemed to know, except that they were drinking, and s..3;;d'9hhsjkkwopdifb bjeokklskl.......

E.: MMMMMAAAAAARRRRCCC! You're not listening to me! Did you hear any word at all I said about the drummer?

M.: What? Huh.... Is she single?

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