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Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Hiking The Appalachian Trail

Silly me. I was mystified by all the fuss, and thought it was most-likely Governor Sanford was hiking the Appalachian Trail. Nonetheless, there are far worse things than getting captured by the tango culture of Buenos Aires:
South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford admitted to an extra-marital affair with an Argentinian woman Wednesday afternoon, at an eagerly-awaited press conference to explain his sudden disappearance last week.

Sanford also announced his resignation as chair of the Republican Governors’ Association, but he evaded a question on whether he would step down as governor of South Carolina.

“I’ve been unfaithful to my wife,” Sanford said in front of the cameras. “I developed a relationship with … a dear, dear friend from Argentina. It began very innocently, as I suspect these things do. In the last year, it developed into something much more than that.”

“I spent the last five days of my life crying in Argentina,” Sanford said, though it was unclear whether he had broken off the relationship with his love interest.
And then there was this, of course, and as usual:
It's becoming something of a pattern with the folks over at Fox News: All too often when a Republican politician is caught in a compromising situation, the news network declares the person in question to be ... a Democrat.

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