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Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Getting The Water Heater Fixed

E.: MMMAAAARRRRCCCC! Wake up! He's here!

M.: Who's here? What time is it?

E.: Get away from here! Get out! Stop following me! Gosh, who do you think you are! This is the bedroom!

M.: (stumbling out of bed) Don't yell at him. He doesn't know.

The Fellow From Sear's: Sorry ma'am!


The repairman was scheduled to arrive somewhere in the range of 8 a.m. till noon, and here it was only 7:45 a.m., but here he was already in the house - happy, eager, bright-eyed, durable military-grade laptop in one hand and a box of tools in the other. The repairman replaced the thermocouple, and so now I have hot water again. He also informed me that the water heater was nearing the end of its expected lifetime and so I should think about a replacement in a year or two.

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