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Monday, May 04, 2009

Superficially More-Attractive

Years ago, I placed this blog on Bressler's list of Sacramento Area's Top 25 Web Sites. The rankings are reset to zero every two weeks.

In general, my ranking on the Top 25 has languished - sometimes as high as 26th, usually down around 55th. Sometimes it starts high, then slides into oblivion as the days go by, as discriminating readers apparently prefer to read year-old posts on other, superficially more-attractive Web Sites, than to read my own offerings.

Yet lately, my ranking has jumped. Today it's 12th, and moving up. I've never been ranked so high, so late in the bi-weekly cycle!

I'd like to think readers can't wait to read my recent posts like "Banks 1, Investors 0" (whose content comes entirely from TNR), but actually I think the reason is, since I now post a banner picture on the Top 25, my blog is now superficially more-attractive than it used to be....

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